The owner of this 2001 Porsche 911 began to notice the original wood grain sections of his car beginning to chip off and looking for a solution, called us!
After researching the very few options we had, we experimented with a vinyl wrapping, which after applied, looked wonderful…! But then, the next day, much to our dismay, after the car had been sitting in the sun, we noticed bubbles forming under the wrapping and the stuff just started peeling off. So then… after weeks of looking for the perfect match and ordering the stuff and getting it on there, we had to come up with another solution, how frustrating!
We then returned to an original idea of using a newer technique called Hydrographic printing, which uses a big tank of water and a film with a chosen design. After the pieces are cleaned, a base coat is applied. The pieces are then each dipped in the film in the tank of water, adhering the film to the piece. A clear coat is later applied and voila! And the results have been great and much more durable than the failed vinyl wrapping attempt.
And finally, they’re in!